
It has been several months since my last post. In fact, I thought that I’d deleted it. That would have been a mistake. It was a reflection about my mother’s passing on~probably more of a declaration of my intention to grieve. And I did. More than I expected.

But I have decided to begin again. Offer some of my views about life and the world. Of course, by that I mean my life and my world. I am sliding downhill to my 60th birthday. With the new calendar year I began. It’s nearly June, so I am almost half way fallen. Age is not something that I spend much time chewing on. It is what it is. But I am curious about this year. So I’ve decided to record my thoughts and feelings along the way.

Here’s one painful observation that I have made: Last year my daughter, Iris, won a Scrabble game against me. It was the first time she had done so, apparently, and it delighted her to the point that she had to share the news. She made a couple of quick phone calls with me sitting there, watching and listening. Her victory was sweet. However, I am not what one might call a gracious loser. I demanded a rematch and as we played, she feigned distraction, laid tiles that created one syllable words, took a couple of incoming calls. In other words, I think she let me win the rematch! The nerve. Since her glorious victory and the subsequent rematch, we have played again and again. Guess what. I don’t recall winning a single match. So here’s my wondering: Is my memory spotty or is she just waaay smarter than I am? Either answer leaves me grumbling. As I mentioned,  I am not a gracious loser.

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One response to “Again

  1. Hi Cheryl,
    Loved reading your blog. 60. Well, I wondered about being that old as I crossed the threshold, too. “It is what it is,” as you say. (And, what a great thought, by the way!) It’s been almost three years now for me, and living this decade seems “comfortable .” Is wisdom dawning?

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